Tackle your financial goals with crowd investments: Invest together with Crowdvest

We've added crowd investments to our general investing offering by creating Crowdvest, a unique form of crowdsourced investing.


Crowdvest uses the concept of crowdfunding to help you reach an investment goal, by allowing others to contribute.

By collectively investing towards a meaningful financial goal, your friends and family help you to make that goal a reality a whole lot faster.

Why choose Crowdvest?

Crowd investments made simple

Crowd funded investments don't have to be complicated. We've made starting and contributing to a Crowdvest investment as straightforward as possible.

Flexible investing

You can set up any general investing goal you like and contribute to it on your own terms.

Outcomes-based investing

Track your crowd investments in real-time thanks to our advanced fund-monitoring technology.

Crowdvest anything

You can use crowd investments to save towards absolutely anything. And with Crowdvest, you can get all your friends and family involved.

Instead of friends and family bringing your toddler birthday presents they'll quickly outgrow, you could all save for their education.

Or instead of taking on the entire cost of a wedding by yourself, you could give grandparents the opportunity to help give their grandchildren the wedding of their dreams.

You could even use Crowdvest to encourage your group of friends to save for the next Soccer World Cup.

How to Crowdvest

Start by telling us about your investment and set up an Alexforbes Voluntary Plan.

Personalise your crowd investments with an optional image and brief description to make them resonate with your friends and family.

We'll review your page and notify you when it’s live and ready to be shared.

Watch your crowd source investments grow.

Start crowdvesting

Crowdvest is the social way to invest

You can share your personalised Crowdvest page with friends and family on Facebook and Twitter, or you can send a link via email, SMS or WhatsApp.

Your friends and family who want to contribute to your crowd funded investments can simply pay via EFT or with their credit cards.

With crowdsourced investing, a few hundred rands can go a long way

Investing a little bit of money regularly can really add up, especially if others contribute too. Imagine you save R100 every month for your baby’s future, and each year you add 6% more to what you save. If the investment grows each year by the rate of inflation plus an extra 5%, by the time your child is 21, you’d have R140 000 saved up.

But, if family members like grandparents, aunts, and uncles also give a gift of R200 four times a year for birthdays and holidays, and that gift amount also grows by 6% annually, your child could have R300 000 by age 21.

That’s triple the money compared to saving all by yourself!

Frequently asked questions

What is the minimum amount I can contribute?
You can start crowd investments with us from as little as R100 per month.
What investment plan will I be investing in?
Crowdvest is only available for the Alexforbes Invest Voluntary Plan and not any other Alexforbes Invest plans or products.