Funds that are tailored to help you reach your investment goal
The role of our digital advice system is to ensure you take as little investment risk as possible to reach your investment goal.
Low cost, diversified and efficient funds
Passively-managed, rules-based portfolio construction to keep costs low and offer good diversification. And, active management in the money markets, where evidence suggest it works.
You can easily change between different funds
You’re not locked into one fund. We’ll monitor the unit trusts and work with you to ensure they’re working for your money.
Intelligent investment funds that aim to outperform their peers
Using some of the industry’s most trusted partners, we carefully monitor the performance of the funds on our platform against their peers and report on our fund performance to our clients.
Fund performance to 31 December 2024

Source: Morningstar. Each fund is ranked against relevant peers with performance to the end of December 2024 based on NAV data. Peer group is based on utilising the oldest share class for each fund in the comparison. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.