Our Onefee model
High preservation fund fees can limit the success of your investment. With our Onefee, you pay less, which means you could get more out at retirement. Find out more here.
Outcomes-based investing
Stick to your retirement goals by tracking your investment's outcomes in real-time.
Switching is simple
Our digital, paperless investment platform makes transferring your funds as simple and straightforward as possible. We even simplify the FICA process
How our Onefee model boosts your preservation fund
Joseph, aged 45, had R5 000 000 in his pension fund. When he resigned, he decided to transfer that money into an Alexforbes Invest Preservation Pension fund for the next 10 years.
Thanks to our Onefee model, Joseph saved 83% in preservation fund fees. This means he could get up to R2 635 000 more out at retirement.
Profiles used are only for illustrative purposes. The example provided compares our Onefee to investments applying a 3% per annum fee model. These include fees for advice, administration and fund management. The results are modelled based on a historical growth rate using the asset allocation of the CoreSolutions Moderate fund. Research on fees was conducted by Alexforbes Invest internally. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. All investments are exposed to risk, not guaranteed and dependent on the performance of the underlying investments and excludes the impact of Securities Transfer Tax. Fees may change due to inflation.
Frequently asked questions
Your Preservation Fund will reflect 4 components, being a Retirement, Savings, Vested and Non-vested component.
The retirement and savings component will reflect the transferred value of contributions made after 1 September 2024 and growth thereon. The remaining components will only reflect the transferred value of contributions made before 1 September 2024, and growth thereon.
For more information, you can click here.
The earliest retirement age for a preservation fund is 55. At retirement you have the following options from the various components in your preservation fund as from 1 September 2024:
- Vested component
You can take part or all your retirement savings in cash, after tax, when you retire OR use the full amount or portion remaining after taking cash, to purchase an annuity to provide you with an income in retirement.
- Non-vested component
You can take up to 1/3rd of your money in cash subject to tax. You must use at least 2/3rds of your money to purchase an annuity to provide you with an income in retirement.
- Savings component
You can take the full amount in cash (subject to tax) or use this or a portion towards purchasing an annuity to provide you with an income in retirement.
- Retirement component
You must use your entire amount in your retirement pot to purchase an annuity that will provide you with an income in retirement.
If the full amount in your Retirement component plus 2/3rds of the Non-vested component is below R 165 000, you can take the entire amount in cash, subject to tax.
The following applies to withdrawals made before you retire (as from 1 September 2024) from a preservation fund:
- Vested and Non-vested components
You may only make one taxable withdrawal (partial or full) before you retire, proportionately from the vested and non-vested components. However, the participating employer may impose conditions on withdrawing from the fund before retirement.
- Savings component
Withdrawals from the Saving component can be done once every tax year, subject to tax at your marginal tax rate, subject to a minimum amount of R2 000.
- Retirement component
No withdrawals can be made.
Vested benefits are accrued rights from membership in a provident fund or provident preservation fund on 1 March 2021. If you have been a member of these funds at the time, any amounts contributed or transferred to these funds, before 1 March 2021, are seen as your vested benefits.
If you were 55 years or older on 1 March 2021, your vested benefits will also include any further contributions you made while you were a member of that provident fund, including fund returns. A vested benefit right gives you the right to be able to withdraw the full benefit value as a lump sum upon retirement.
Non-vested benefits relate to any other benefits in a retirement fund, which gives you the right to be able to only withdraw up to a maximum of 1/3rd at retirement. The remaining portion of the non-vested benefit must be used to purchase an income for life (Living annuity or guaranteed annuity) at retirement.